• Holds a PhD in Shari’a and Law at Al-Azhar University in the field of contracts and financial transactions (1985)
• Holds a Master in Comparative Jurisprudence from the College of Shari’a and Law, Al-Azhar University (1980)
• Holds a Bachelor’s degree in Islamic Shari’a in Baghdad (1975)
• Degree in scientific degrees in Islamic sciences at the hands of sheikhs (1970)
• Graduate of the Islamic Institute (1969)
• Secretary General of the International Union of Muslim Scholars
• Chairman of the supreme advisory council for bringing doctrines affiliated with ISESCO of the organization of Islamic cooperation
• Director of the European Council for Fatwa and Research
• Professor and Head of the Department of Jurisprudence and Foundations at the College of Shari’a, Law and Islamic Studies at Bahrain University
• Expert in the Islamic Fiqh Academy of the organization of the Islamic conference, Jeddah